Our vision is to restore Bream Head / Te Whara as a place in which natural ecology is restored, with healthy forest and abundant bird song and where everyone can experience nature at its best
40 mins South of Whangarei, The Bream Head Scenic Reserve is an area of significant ecological, historical and environmental importance.
It is one of the best examples of a coastal forest reserve in the country and is of special significance to Māori who consider the whole area as wahi tapu (sacred place).
There are many beautiful scenic walks ranging from beginner to advanced. Peach Cove and Te Whara tracks are for advanced hikers but offer spectacular views for those who reach the top.
Smugglers Loop is a great walk for kids with plenty to keep them interested on the short walk.
Bream Head/ Te Whara is an icon of scenery and ecological restoration without a fence. It is a testimony to the ecological transformation that can be achieved from a wide community of supporters providing a winning combination of funds, knowledge, skill and effort. With sustained and intensive pest control the ecosystem is flourishing. New species have been found, birds are being reintroduced and species that were only occasional visitors from the Hen and Chicken Islands are now breeding within the reserve. Bream Head is a message to New Zealanders that a return to a historical pre-European state of pristine forest on the mainland is within the reach of possibility.
Latest News
Drone versus Moth Plant
In the very early dawn light, a small convoy of vehicles headed into the Reserve. They were on a mission to attempt the first drone flight, not for photos but to help control the moth plant.