In the very early dawn light, a small convoy of vehicles headed into the Reserve. They were on a mission to attempt the first drone flight, not for photos but to help control the moth plant.
We had a good run in 2024 with core support from Foundation North, the Department of Conservation and the Lottery Grants board. We look forward to continuing building on our successes in 2025.
We have updated our practices around capturing feral cats.
BHCT provides volunteer training and appreciation events as well as community conservation events.
You are invited to join us on the 23rd of October at McLeod Bay Hall, to hear our guest speaker Shaun Ryan share his vision of how we can become predator free in 2040!
We look forward to seeing the children get creative with this special Bream Head/ Te Whara colouring page.
On Sunday the 16th of June, with the support of a large group of volunteers, the Trust planted the final 2,500 trees, fulfilling an agreement to grow 10,000 trees.
Our community planting day will take place on Sunday the 16th of June from 9am to 12 noon. Bring your whanau and friends, and join others in our community.
Is PF2050 a worthy goal considering all the myriad existential threats that we face?
It was a somber day on the 29th of February for many at BHCT, as we had to say farewell to our first board chair, Don Hewitt.
A magical sunrise during the moth plant drone spray operation
A mixture of juvenile and adult pūpūharakeke/flax snails
This toutouwai is pleased we've been working on predator control
We've been doing absolutely heaps of trapping!
With great sadness and respect we have accepted Bill Mallett's resignation as trustee and treasurer of BHCT. (Bill is on the left.)
Wētā and giraffe weevil facing off on top of a sentinel possum trap
Our 2023 annual report is packed with news from the reserve - it's amazing to see how much is going on.
Keep your eye out for the 2022 Te Whara Bream Head Trust newsletter. We've made some hard copies and they're available free of charge at locations around Whangarei Heads. If you're not in the area click See More to go to the newsletter page and you can download a PDF from there.
It’s been a tough twelve months all round the world but it hasn’t been all doom and gloom for the Trust.
Our newsletter for 2020 was published at the end of June.