This post holds the Part 2 pdf for this month's Rangers Report. Please see Part 1 as well.
A magical sunrise during the moth plant drone spray operation
A mixture of juvenile and adult pūpūharakeke/flax snails
This toutouwai is pleased we've been working on predator control
We've been doing absolutely heaps of trapping!
With great sadness and respect we have accepted Bill Mallett's resignation as trustee and treasurer of BHCT. (Bill is on the left.)
Wētā and giraffe weevil facing off on top of a sentinel possum trap
we've got a new trapline and a new ranger
we found five ōi chicks!
Aki Tai Here is helping us deal to the moth plant
stoats and possums are back on camera
One of our kiwi is perfecting the art of the selfie
Rodent catches high but lots of lizards too
We've had warm, humid weather and extra hungry rodents
It is with great pride and happiness that I can announce our 2021/22 grey faced petrel (gfp) protection and monitoring a complete and wonderful success!
We’ve been installing cameras alongside our automated lure dispensers. We’ve seen good things (robins and kiwis) as well as bad (possums and stoats).
We have had such a busy, productive month this September, there has hardly been time to take a breath!
Our local seabird champion Cathy Mitchell spent a full day clambering around the steep terrain at the eastern tip of the reserve checking each of the burrows
Remote reporting of set and sprung traps on the north bounday of our reserve.
Our volunteers are hearing the latest methods and technology to remove predators from large landscape areas and then protect those gains.